Integrative Health Institute Mallorca (ISIM) - Health Center

We are a team of professionals from different health areas working individually with each patient to help them recover their balance and well-being beyond the symptoms.

Areas of specialization

Discover the root of your ailments to resolve them definitively

What people tell us on the first visit...

  • They tell us about how they feel and the situation they are dealing with
  • Describe in depth the symptoms, how they appeared, how they have evolved
  • Patients express that they live conditioned by their symptoms.
  • Patients often do not understand what is happening to them and how they can help their healing process.
  • I am tired of trying things and not improving
  • I have lost hope
  • They can’t find me anything but I don’t feel fine
Primera visita

What do our patients say?


Colaborador Miquel Sintes

Miquel Sintes


Personal data:

Montse Martí

Montse Martí


Personal data:

Carme Martínez Recepció i Administració

Carme Martínez

Reception and Administration


  • Reception and Administration
  • Nursing Assistant

Specialist in:

Ainara Cuesta Fisioteràpia Integrativa

Ainara Cuesta

Integrative Physiotherapy


  • Physiotherapist specialized in women’s health
  • Registered Physiotherapist IB1423
  • Training “Expert in Perineal Health and Physical Activity”
  • Expert in Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics

Specialist in: